Als Je Eens Wist: Siblinggeweld
In this final part of the four-part series on intrafamilial violence, Van Mieghem finds that sibling violence does not even officially exist as a term and, moreover, is hardly researched. Yet the little research there is, shows that it is the most common form of violence. Like a big blind spot that swallows up victims from within and tears families apart.
It is very difficult for parents to accept that their child or even several children turn out to be perpetrators. Sibling violence is also often relativised and minimised: "That's just how it is between siblings, it's part of the game." Consequently, victims are completely left to their own devices, both within the family and in their larger social circle, for example at school.
Remarkably, victims themselves also often create a blind spot as a result. Once they become adults, sibling violence is hardly addressed during therapy. There is a kind of unspoken consensus that violence between siblings is not perceived as problematic, while its consequences are as impactful and pernicious as child abuse by parents towards children.
"In this latest series of 'Als je eens wist', it is clearly demonstrated how trauma is transmitted from generation to generation. Parents' inability to confront their own traumatic past means they are blind to the violence between their children that takes place before their eyes and unable to intervene. The children are on their own. That touched me deeply, again."
Hilde Van Mieghem
This production came into being with the support of Flanders Tax Shelter.
VRT Canvas
April 15, 2024

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